If Tomorrow Never Comes

Speaker:  Reid Tait

Original Broadcast Date:  November 17, 2012

Transcript | Service Audio | Bulletin

Special thanks to Kaitlyn Mercy who composed and sang a song to accompany the sermon.  The text follows.

If Tomorrow Never Comes

Have you said “I love you” to someone today?
Have you smiled at a stronger,
forgotten your anger, today?

If tomorrow never came would you be ready?
If tomorrow never came, what would you do today?
Would you hold out your hand,
say a prayer for a friend, if tomorrow never came?

Have you said a prayer for someone in torment?
Have you visited the sick,
fed the hungry, held the lonely?

If tomorrow never came would you be ready?
If tomorrow never came, what would you do today?
Would you hold out your hand,
say a prayer for a friend, if tomorrow never came?

Have compassion,
have freedom,
have love and joy.
Be a friend to the friendless,
a hope to the hopeless, help those in need.

If tomorrow never came would you be ready?
If tomorrow never came, what would you do today?
Would you hold out your hand,
say a prayer for a friend, if tomorrow never came?

4–How to Keep the Devil from Answering Your Prayer

Speaker:  Pastor Richard O’Ffill

Original Broadcast Date:  September 8, 2012

Part of a weekend series on Practical Christianity at the End Time

3–What is the Date in Your Life?

Speaker:  Pastor Richard O’Ffill

Original Broadcast Date:  September 8, 2012

Part of a weekend series on Practical Christianity at the End Time

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