2420 E Ashman St
Midland, MI 48642

Sabbath School: Saturdays, 9:30am
Divine Worship: Saturdays, 10:45am
Midweek Service: Tuesdays, 6:00pm

Bible Study Helps

As Christians it is our privilege and pleasure to delve deeply into the Word of God, the Bible.  To help facilitate continued in-depth study of the Bible, we here offer some aids to Bible study.  We hope you will find them helpful.

Bible Gateway:  Look up a passage in your choice of several translations.  Or you find all occurrences of a word or phrase.

Blue Letter Bible:  Look up a passage.  Passages are keyed to your choice of several commentaries.  Determine the Hebrew or Greek words.  Utilizes Strong's numbers.

Classic Bible Commentaries and Others:  See how the great Bible expositors of the past interpret a text.

Writings of the Church Fathers:  Read for yourself what the builders of the early church wrote on various subjects leading up to the canonization of the Bible and beyond.

Sabbath School Lesson Study Helps

For those who wish to read additional commentaries on the Sabbath School Lesson, the following is a short selection of the available helps. 





Here is an audio version of the Sabbath School Quarterly online https://www.hopechannel.com/listen/shows/sabbath-school-podcast

Here is a round table discussion of the Sabbath School lesson from Loma Linda in video as well as audio format

Audio and Video presentations from Come and Reason http://comeandreason.com Choose Bible Study Class from the menu at the top

Library Holdings

Library books
            photoSo that we may better serve our members and friends, we have posted a listing of our current church library holdings.  You may search by Author, Title or Call Number.  To save downloading time, the lists are subdivided.  In all pages the first column lists the Call Number, the second the Title, and the third lists the Author.  Please click on the desired list.

Library Philosophy and Mission Statement 

If you have suggestions for books which you would like to see added to our library, please contact the librarian at midlandsda.org@gmail.com

Midland Seventh-day Adventist Church
2420 E Ashman St Midland, MI 48642

"Worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth"