Seminars and Prophecy Series
Here are links to the audio of our various recorded seminars and prophecy series. We hope you are edified by listening.
Unlock Revelation Series with Pastor Quillin.
Advanced Revelation Series with Pastor Quillin.
Unlock Daniel Series with Pastor Quillin.
Unlock Hebrews Series with Pastor Quillin.
Gospel in Ruth Seminar with Pastor Quillin.
Creation Seminar. The first four lectures with Bruce Malone and the final lecture with Pastor Quillin.
Unlock Revelation 2 Series with Pastor Rod Thompson.
Jesus on Prophecy Seminar with Pastor Rod Thompson.
Jesus Our Desire Seminar with Gary Venden.
Prophecy and Righteousness by Faith Seminar with Dr Norman McNulty
Video playlists on our YouTube channel.
Concert Series
As Christians it is our privilege to glorify God and to enjoy Him
has created mankind with the unique ability to respond to His gracious
gifts to us with praise. Among the many gifts God has bestowed
are the abilities to perform and appreciate music. With this we
are blessed and with this we can glorify our Creator and Redeemer.
We, as a church congregation, wish to share this gift of music with the community at large by cordially inviting all to attend the events in our Concert Series. Come, let us praise and worship the Lord together.
4:00 pm, May 26, 2012: Pipes and Strings Concert with Dr. Carl Angelo, organist
We welcome Dr. Carl Angelo to our concert series. He played a variety of organ pieces from contemporary to classical. The music in this concert which is either not copyrighted or for which the copyright permissions have been obtained are available on YouTube at the Midland SDA Church channel and on this playlist
Fugue III from Triptych of Fugues by Gerald Near
Ubi Caritas et Amor by Gerald Near
Adagio, Allegro (and Adagio), K. 594 by WA Mozart
Prelude and Fugue in E Minor (the ‘Wedge’), BWV548 by JS Bach
Pedal Piece in D-Flat Major, Op. 58, No. 4 from Sketches for Pedal
Piano by Robert Schumann
Sonata in D Major, Op. 65, No. 5 by Felix Mendelssohn
'Romanze' Op. 80 by Max Reger
Toccata in D Minor by Max Reger
5:00 pm, April 17, 2010: Pipes and Strings Concert
Featuring the premier performance of "Let Us Lift Up Our Heart" a
commissioned work by Philip Lawson. Performers are Susan Mercy,
Violin, Kaitlyn Mercy, Soprano, and Dorothy Moll, Organ
The music in this concert which is either not copyrighted or for
which the copyright permissions have been obtained are available on
YouTube below on the Midland SDA Church channel or this playlist
Ludwig von Beethoven, "Romance, Op. 40"
Charles Callahan, "In Paradisum"
Hal Hopson, "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"
Philip Lawson, "Let Us Lift Up Our Heart"
Georg Frederick Handel, "Sonata No. 5 in A Major"
Gabriel Faure', "Sicilienne, Op. 78"
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, "Suite, Op. 3"
Past Concerts
Dedicatory Recital, 1993, William Ness, organ
Dedicatory Hymn Festival led by John Ferguson, St. Olaf College,
Hymn Festival led by C. Warren Becker, Andrews University
Hymn Festival led by Mark Hayes, composer
Hymn Festival led by Dr. Albert Travis, Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary
Hymn Festival led by Dr. Peter Mathews, Artistic Director of the
Central Florida choral ensemble, Orlando
Rosa Lamoreaux, soprano and Wolfgang Basch, trumpet with Dorothy Moll,
Donald Sutherland, Peabody Conservatory, organ and Phyllis
Bryn-Julson, Peabody Conservatory, soprano
William Headlee, AGO 100th Anniversary Recital
Bruce Rasmussen, GLAA, organ
Paul Flyger, organ
Pam Rowe, Midland, flute, Susan Mercy, violin, and Dorothy Moll, organ
Midland Flute Trio
"Pipes and Strings" annual concert, Susan Mercy, violin and Dorothy
Moll, organ
"Gospel Pipes" series, Dorothy Moll, organ
Connie Nickerson, Midland, solo handbells and Alice Ralston, Midland,
Advent Brass ensemble with Dorothy Moll, organ
SDA Theological Seminary Chorus with Dr. John Baldwin, director
Great Lakes Adventist Academy Music Department, Cedar Lake Michigan
Annual Christmas Choral programs, Dorothy Moll, director and organ and
David Moll, piano
Peggy Knutson, soprano with Dorothy Moll, organ and Susan Mercy,
Jeremy Hall, vocalist
Be sure to view our Midland SDA Church Music YouTube Channel at