2420 E Ashman St
Midland, MI 48642

Sabbath School: Saturdays, 9:30am
Divine Worship: Saturdays, 10:45am
Midweek Service: Tuesdays, 6:00pm

Recollections of the "Little White Church"

Maudie Kaweck remembers: It was so small. Two would fit in the space of the present sanctuary.

Lavone Dice remembers: Getting to the bathroom even after the "outhouse: was eliminated meant a trip outside because for a time the basement was only excavated under one end of the building.

Mildred Harshman remembers: When only a few people attended a service everyone used to sit close around the old pot bellied stove. The stove burned wood which Grandpas Windover and Rider used to provide.

Violette Moore remembers: The old pump (reed) organ was used long before the church obtained a piano. As a church musician she remembers playing for weddings of girl friends and funerals of older members. Violette recounts that her mother held church services in her home on Whitman Drive before the church building was constructed.

Lucille Reed remembers: Coming to Midland in the summer of 1942 and being impressed by the friendly group of young adults who welcomed her and her husband Herbert. Her children were among the little ones who sat around the tables made from cable spools for their Sabbath School.

Ruth Nash remembers: The friendliness of the church members who used to gather to visit with her and her husband Clyde Windover (deceased) on Sabbath evening.  No formal invitation was needed. Everyone just came and brought something for a potluck meal together.

Midland Seventh-day Adventist Church
2420 E Ashman St Midland, MI 48642

"Worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth"