Pastor Richard Hall
Midland SDA Church
March 16, 2019
I. Introduction:
A. Mark 7:24-30 - Read it. Matthew 15:21-28
B. Mark 7 tells the story about Jesus traveling north into the land of modem Lebanon - to the ancient cities of Tyre and Sidon, on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
This trip north marked the opening of a new period in Christ's ministry, and the close of His ministry in Galilee.
The year was 30A.D. - less than a year till His death.
Jesus had a definite purpose not only in leaving Galilee but also in coming to this region. Jesus needed to teach His disciples the importance of laboring for non-Jews. Even the heathen needed the gospel!
These cities had existed for centuries - they were there when the Hebrews came from Egypt to the land of Canaan. The Philistines lived there during the days of King David.
Even though a lot of Jews lived there, it was not a Jewish city. It was a Canaanite city - filled with heathen people that were looked down on by the Jews. They considered these heathen people unclean and unacceptable to God.
In order to keep themselves holy, the Jewish people had cut themselves off from the rest of the world. They did business with the heathen -but they kept themselves separate socially. They didn't want any uncleanness to rub off on them.
The Jews weren't opposed to others learning their beliefs, but they didn't go out of their way to teach anyone the truth.
II. The Encounter with a Greek Woman:
A. This visit to that region was on Jesus' "bucket list". It was something He wanted and needed to do before His death.
Jesus hoped to keep His visit a secret - He went into seclusion but someone found out He was there - and the word spread like wildfire.
Everyone had heard stories about Jesus being in Galilee and the wonderful things He did. Now He was in their own hometown. That was wonderful news. A Greek woman was among those that heard the news: Jesus is in town.
Her daughter was sick :. possessed by a demon that threw the child into convulsions. It was heart-wrenching for the mom to see her little girl suffer. The girl's life was on the line and her mom knew it.
When the mom found out that Jesus was in town, she went on an all-out search for Him.
Have you ever been desperate to find someone or something? She was desperate - this might be her only opportunity.
Now or never to see Jesus! As she searched, her mind was flooded with questions.
Could she find Jesus? Would He even listen to her request? She wasn't Jewish! Could she convince Him to heal her daughter?
B. One question she didn't have. She didn't wonder whether or not Jesus could heal her daughter. She believed He had the power to do it. She had heard the stories! But could He be convinced to bother with a nobody, a non-Jew like her?
When she finally found Jesus, she called out: "Lord, have mercy on me. My daughter is possessed by a demon, and she is suffering." You could here the anxiety in her voice!
Anyone that has ever had a child that is sick and suffering can sympathize with her. We would do anything for our kids.
Jesus heard her cry, but didn't do or say anything. He didn't look at her or answer her or even acknowledge her.
C. Being ignored is very hard on a person - emotionally! Have you ever felt like you were invisible? - Nobody notices
nobody cares?
Can you feel her pain? Have there been times when it seemed as though God was ignoring you?
In spite of your great need - which God had to know about, since He knows everything - and your repeated begging for His help - He doesn't answer - He doesn't seem to even know that you exist.
How many times can you scream and shout at the ceiling or the sky before you're convinced that He doesn't care what happens to you or those you love?
Many people have given up belief in God entirely after it seemed as though God wouldn't listen to their prayers.
It's one thing if you're not sure God is really even there to answer. It's another when you're certain that He is there - but He just won't listen to you.
Well, this Greek mom didn't give up! She kept shouting over and over - "Lord, have mercy. Help my daughter! Heal my daughter! Help us, Jesus!"
But Jesus continued to ignore her - no response at all from Him. She must have shouted for quite a while because the disciples finally begged Jesus - tell the woman to go away if You're not going to help her. She is making a scene. Matthew 15:23
D. Giving Bread to Dogs:
At this point, Jesus stopped and turned to face the shouting woman. When she saw Him turn to her, she fell to the ground again - right at His feet - hope came alive in her heart – He looked at her. This was the first sign of hope. He looked at her! And she said: Lord, help me!
Jesus looked down at her and said something hard to understand: "It's not right to take the children's bread and give it to the dogs."
OUCH! Did he just call her a dog?
It was not uncommon for Jews in Jesus' time to refer to outsiders as dogs - animals - rejects.
The Jews had convinced themselves that since God had given them more truth, He loved them more. They were God's chosen people - His favorites. And they were destined to rule the other nations as the most powerful country in the world.
E. The Only Dog in Church
I'm sure you've felt the same pain. It happens as you sit in church and listen to other people praise God for answers to their prayers. ·Things seem to work out well whenever they pray, but for you, nothing works out. You pray and pray but never seem to get an answer.
Sometimes you feel like the only dog in church. Everyone else seems to be treated like God's children, receiving the bread and blessings they deserve.
But not you! You must not qualify in some way - too sinful, too lazy, too busy - just not worthy of God's love to the same degree that others are.
So you sit there - hoping for a crumb to fall from the table!
III. Is Jesus that Cruel?
A. Does Jesus play favorites? Does He have teachers pets? Did Jesus really consider the Greek woman to be as unworthy as a dog compared to His Jewish children?
Does He really care more about some people today, treating them like beloved children while He ignores others?
You know He doesn't!
All through His life, Jesus reached out to people beyond the Jews.
Four stories are recorded for us in the Gospels.
· John 4:5-42 - woman at the well – Samaritan
· Luke 7:1-10 - Jesus heals a Centurion's servant
· Mark 5:1-20 - the demon-possessed men living in the cemetery. The pigs drown in the sea.
· Our story today - Mark 7
The evidence points to a Jesus who isn't prejudiced against outsiders, who doesn't have favorites or treat people differently.
We serve a Jesus who listens to anyone who cries out in need of help - in those days and today.
B. This was an important lesson that even the disciples needed to learn.
The disciples had an attitude that needed adjustment! Have you ever needed an attitude adjustment?
If they were going to take His gospel to the whole world, they had to overcome their prejudices against non-Jewish people.
They needed to understand that God cared as much for the lost sheep in other nations as He did for the lost sheep in Israel.
Jesus wanted to teach His disciples a lesson about the width of God's love.
Song: Deep and Wide - God's love is deep and wide.
C. When you look at this story from the perspective of Jesus teaching His disciples a valuable lesson - that is an entirely new approach!
I believe that Jesus heard the woman - the first time. He knew what she needed. He also knows what we need!
By helping her, He could continue to teach His disciples how badly the rest of the world needed to hear about God's love. He could continue His push to break down the walls between the Jews and the rest of the world.
D. At first, Jesus ignored the woman's cries, like any Jew would.
The Jews felt the blessing of salvation would be wasted if given to Gentiles - who lacked the capacity to appreciate these blessings.
The disciples probably felt that way too - to the point where they asked Jesus to send her away - she is making a scene.
Illustration: Do you get embarrassed when someone is making a scene? Pat's mom - Washington D.C. - first time on subway system -almost separated from Pat - "Patricia".
The woman in our story may have been making a scene but Jesus didn't send her away - instead He said something that was really confusing to the disciples.
"God sent Me only to the lost sheep, the people of Israel." Matthew 15:24
It must have been shocking for the disciples to hear. If they had been confused by Jesus' apparent lack of interest in helping the woman, they were really confused now.
It sounded as if Jesus was as prejudiced as any other Jew. But it was really meant to remind the disciples of something He had often told them that He had come to save eve one who would accept Him.
Then Jesus turned toward the woman. Can you picture her rushing up to Him, falling to the ground and crying - Lord, Help Me.
Jesus' heart was breaking for her!
His lesson must continue - He knew it was for the benefit of His disciples and
So Jesus said: "It is not right to take the children's food and give it to the dogs." NKJV - Not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs." the puppies.
I love the reply that this woman gave:
"Yes, Lord, but even the little dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table."
Yogi: When we eat, she sits very properly at our feet and waits, hoping for us to drop something or intentionally give her a bite. She will swipe your leg with her paw if she thinks you don't notice her.
The woman said: Even the little puppies eat the crumbs.
What a clever answer! Jesus must have laughed out loud.
There was no mistaking the look of love on His face now. "Woman, you have great faith! I will do what you asked." And the woman's daughter was healed at that moment.
IV. Conclusion:
A. We don't know if Jesus turned to His disciples as He finished this lesson and explained what He had said and done.
He had shown that this woman wasn't a heathen outsider but a child of God. And as a child she could always have a share of His gifts.
B. It still happens! We still pray and feel that no one is listening, that we're being ignored.
We feel, if not like dogs, like second-class Christians. Others are heard and their prayers are answered.
C. When we face these situations, all we can do is remember that we don't see the big picture - Jesus does.
Each of us is special, unique, and precious, and each of our lives is on a different course.
D. There is only one way to maintain faith and hope when our prayers don't seem to be answered. Jesus used the method He chose with the Greek woman in order to teach this very lesson,
It's not that He didn't hear the woman or didn't listen\. His answer was "Wait."
Sometimes He says to us: WAIT
When you really get to know Jesus, you'll know that He doesn't toy with us. Every story shows you a heart filled with love for human beings; a heart determined to do whatever it takes to save them from a world of sin and pain.
For this dear mom, her waiting was now over.
Matthew 15:28 - "Great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire. And her daughter was healed from that very hour."
Like the nobleman's son (John 4:43-54) and the centurions's ant (Luke 7:1-10), the daughter of the Canannite woman was healed at a distance, not in Christ's immediate presence, and in all three cases - the healing was immediate and complete
V. Appeal:
We serve an awesome God! He cares about us and has our best as His desire.
My prayer is that our faith will be strong and our love for Him stedfast.