The 3 Stages of Preparation for God’s Work

Joseph Mayor

Midland SDA Church

April 21, 2012


On December 26, 2004, the world watched in horror as the story of the tsunami disaster in Southeast Asia unfolded. An earthquake beneath the Indian Ocean triggered a huge tidal wave as high as 100 feet tall that came crashing on shore across the region. The tsunami did damage as far as the east coast of Africa, 5000 miles away. Over a quarter million people died in the rampaging waters and devastation that followed. Entire island populations and coastal villages were wiped out – every man, woman, and child in some cases.


According to the Associated Press, there was one notable exception to the loss of life. The Morgan sea gypsies are a small tribe of fishermen who spend much of the year on their boats fishing between India, Indonesia and Thailand. Each December, between fishing seasons, they live in small thatch huts on the beaches of Thailand. Last December, they were living directly in the path of certain disaster. Yet every single member of the tribe survived, while most of their neighbors disappeared in the rampaging waters.


Why? The tribal chief explains, "For generations our fathers warned us that if the waters ever receded fast, they would quickly reappear in the same quantity in which they disappeared."


On December 26 when the sea suddenly drained away, many of their neighbors ran to the beach with baskets to pick up stranded fish. Not the Morgan sea gypsies. The chief ordered his tribe to run in the opposite direction, to the mountains and safety. When the tsunami hit, the entire tribe was spared.

Lesson: They know what was going to happen because they had learned from their fathers and had lived on the sea themselves.


 These 3 stages parallel 3 stages that God takes us through on a day to day and week to week bases. In Moses life, the 1st was his childhood being taught by his parents to love God, 2nd  was his time in the courts of Egypt being taught how to be a military leader (and also having his faith tested), then, because of his mistake, God took him into the wilderness and taught him.

  1. Exodus 2:1-10
  1. miraculously saved Moses
  2. mother teach him about God and what is right and wrong.
  3. God has saved us and has given us the Bible and Holy Spirit.
  4. She knew he was saved for a great work and (P.P. Ch. 22 Page 243 and 244) “She (Jochebed) endeavored to imbue his mind with the fear of God and the love of truth and justice, and earnestly prayed that he might be preserved from every corrupting influence. She showed him the folly and sin of idolatry, and early taught him to bow down and pray to the living God, who alone could hear him and help him in every emergency.”

first 12 years of life, basses of his training to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and was what kept him from straying in the luxurious courts of Pharaoh. This was the bases for his great mission and lasted him his whole life!

  1. Every morning come to God so he can mold our minds and teach us right form wrong. This time in the morning does not only strengthen us from day to day but accumulatively binds us closer to God as we do it on a regular basis and effects how we live our whole life.


  1. 12 years Jochebed return Moses.28 years started the next preparatory stage of Moses life. This time of trials test as well as education in leading a country. Acts 7:21-23. (trained to be next Pharaoh)

a.        Not much is said about these 28 years of Moses life, but E. G. White says in P.P. Ch. 22 page 245 “By the laws of Egypt all who occupied the throne of the Pharaohs must become members of the priestly caste; and Moses, as the heir apparent, was to be initiated into the mysteries of the national religion…… But while he was an ardent and untiring student, he could not be induced to participate in the worship of the gods. He was threatened with the loss of the crown, and warned that he would be disowned by the princess should he persist in his adherence to the Hebrew faith. But he was unshaken in his determination to render homage to none save the one God, the Maker of heaven and earth…… None could refute his arguments or change his purpose…..” Hebrews 11:24-26 He realized how insignificant the treasures of Egypt were in comparison to the riches Gods promises us.

b.        Every day faced with temptations, spend time with God every morning not be distracted. Test will make us stronger and closer to God when we are faced with bigger battles.


  1.  Exodus 2:11-22, 3:1Moses sinned, but not because passion for his fellow Hebrews. not how God wanted to deliver His people. God used this for his glory, and led Moses on his last stage of preparation before God told him his mission.

a.        The next 40 years was a retreat time for Moses to get close to God and learn lessons of patience and obedience (P.P. Ch. 22 page 248) “The habits of caretaking, of self-forgetfulness and tender solicitude for his flock, thus developed, would prepare him to become the compassionate, longsuffering shepherd of Israel.” Numbers 12:3 (humblest man)

b.        like a Sabbath for us today. meditate on God’s word and come closer to Him before entering another week.

c.        SDA Bible Commentary Page 507His later History shows that those years had not been lost, but that he had been a diligent student under the tutorship of God and had graduated from his course with honors”

d.       last great preparation time before mission, the mission, leading the Israelites out of bondage Acts 7:30

e.        Sabbath, before we enter another week, we should listen to what God wants us to do for Him, no matter how great or small.

Take Home: The way God prepared Moses is the same way he wants to prepare us, if we will let him. Sometimes we go through these stages, but we don’t have God.

1. The first stage of this perpetration is daily Bible study and prayer so God can be the first to influence us and mold our minds.

2. The second stage of this preparation are the test we face though out the day, these if we ask God to help us, will make us stronger for bigger temptations and battles in the future

3. The last stage of this preparation is Sabbath, a time to reflect on God’s goodness and listen to him, to really meditate on Him and draw closer to Him

If we allow God to work in our lives, like he did in Moses’ we will be ready when ever God calls us to do something, no matter how great or small. I encourage you to practice these stages this next week.