Marcus Peters

Midland SDA Church

July 2, 2011



Introduction: Revelation 3:14-18

One of Laodicea's problems is blindness. The last-day church is not fully aware of her spiritual condition and as a result will need to have her eyes opened to see clearly.


Here are six areas in which Laodicea needs to have here eyes opened:


1. Sin

Like David (in 2 Sam 12:1-7) we're not always aware of the nature and consequences of the sins we commit until they're revealed to us. It's only when sin appears exceedingly sinful; when it is revealed to be the grotesque egregious thing that it is - it's then and only then we can have true repentance; the kind that David had.

Prayer: Jesus open our eyes that we may see our sins for what they really are.


2. Scriptures - Psalms 119:18

The law of God... the word of God is not naturally appealing.

Job found the word of God more important that his necessary food (Job 23:12).

God's word brought joy to Jeremiah's life (Jeremiah 15:16). This is amazing coming from a prophet who was known to have a sorrowful disposition.  

How do we delight in God's law; in his words? We study best what we need most. It's important to study those portions of scripture that are relevant to our present experience; our current struggles.

Prayer: Jesus open our eyes that we may see the beauty of your word.


3. Spiritual Warfare - 2 Kings 6:16-17

This story reveals one aspect of the great controversy that we often overlook: "they that be with us are more than they that be with them". The good angels outnumber the evil angels by 2:1

Prayer: Jesus open our eyes to the great controversy.


4. Souls. John 4:29-35, 39-42

Jesus saw the value of a soul and sensed when they were ready to make a decision for him.

Prayer: Jesus open our eyes that we may see the value of souls.


5. Spirit. Jeremiah 2:12-13 (living waters represent the Holy Spirit see John 7:38-39)

There are some things we will never perceive, visions will never see, revelations we will never have without the Spirit! 1 Corinthians 2:9-10

Prayer: Jesus open our eyes to our need of the Holy Spirit


6. Savior. Hebrew 12:1-3

One reason we keep getting discouraged because we're not looking to Jesus (vs 3)

We should not evaluate our spirituality by looking at others 2 Corinthians 10:12 but by looking at Christ.

Even those of us who've given our hearts to Christ need a fresh revelation of Jesus every day. Consider Job who was described as "fearing God and shunning evil." He heard about Jesus, talked about Jesus but when he saw Jesus he had a life-transforming experience (Job 42:5-6)

Prayer: Jesus open our eyes that we can see the beauty of your character.